Grounded theory maxqda
Grounded theory maxqda

grounded theory maxqda

This chapter deals with different types of category systems and different ways of arriving at a coding frame that is optimally suited for analysis. The longer and more intensively you work with your data, the more codes are likely to be generated and the more coding is carried out.


In addition to working with videos, this chapter will also cover how to code and analyze still images, such as photos and screenshots of web pages. In contrast to previous logging of observations, it is now possible to watch scenes repeatedly and have them coded by several people at different times, which significantly improves the quality of the analysis.

grounded theory maxqda

As a method of data collection, video has of course led to great progress, especially for research into nonverbal behavior. Consequently, there has also been a steadily growing need to be able to analyze this type of data material scientifically and to treat it in a similar methodological manner to interview or focus groups. Now virtually all researchers can produce high-quality video recordings in the field-at no cost. And this, in turn, has opened up new opportunities for empirical research and the areas of field research and educational research in particular. The tremendous technical progress made in recent years means that we can now take amazingly high-quality photos and video recordings with commercially available smartphones. Video data is multidimensional, appeals to different senses, and can affect the viewer much more potently than texts can.

grounded theory maxqda

You can begin to explore images and video recordings, too-a task that is certainly very different from exploring textual data. In this first phase of your analysis, you will not only get to know your material, but you will also begin to build a large network of connections, comments, ideas, and hypotheses. But digital tools are far more powerful, because text passages can be linked to each other, for example, as well as to other documents, websites, images, or geographical locations. At first, working with digitized texts may seem much like working with a physical reference book. You can make notes and comments, record questions and ideas, highlight anything that seems important, and search for words or word combinations in texts using lexical search functions.


The software will not do this for you, but it does provide a number of tools to support you in your explorative work. Qualitative data analysis is a fascinating and rewarding process that challenges researchers to properly engage with their material and explore it in great detail.

Grounded theory maxqda